Sunday, March 16, 2008

From Denise Bossert ... For those who want to write

Dear Heidi, I received this in an email from a dear friend and fellow Catholic freelance writer. It is so good that I wanted to share it with others - especially Catholic writers. I have battled my own will and desire to publish, and probably will again, if not with writing, with some other "good" that I seek to do. Blessings on your writing and all those whose lives you touch, both readers and writers. May Our Lord's name be ever praised.

Here is a passage from the book, The Deceiver:"[Satan] is devoured by pride . . . . He freely injects into us this poison which is his trademark, polluting even the good things we do in life. He pushes us to excell above others, to enforce our talents and strengths, to organize our lives based on the desire for worldly success, seeking always consent, approval, and applause from others. Satan exerts himself without our awareness, to take us away from God, feeding the cult of our 'selves' in the secret of our hearts. . . . All for Jesus, through Mary, D.E.B.

1 comment:

Cathy Adamkiewicz said...

Wow, Heidi, this really spoke to my heart. Thank you for sharing it.